The reason i gave you 4/5 instead of the 5/5 is the following:
((forgive spelling mistakes please hehehe!))
everything is very detailed and perfectly executed however if we look at it anatomically shes a lill short yet fat? its like shes being pushed down twice as hard by the gravity of earth instead of a normal persone, not really sure how to explain but i hope you understand the picture im trying to describe! short and plump like if you shortend her body length but not adjusted her width. this could also be due to her hip armor (cause ofcourse im not sure if its padded or just laying ontop of her hips adding more width).
also last point i feel like theres something wrong with her eye, the look shes giving gives me the impression theres something off with eye placement (could also just be the shadow thats throwing me off!)
Nevertheless with all this said! very nicely done! great artwork hope seeing more of your work here!
Sincerly a new fan! ;) haha!